If you know me, you know my love for gin and Spain! I am a gin lover and love Spanish G T cocktails!
As well as a gin lover, I am a cocktail lover and Paella Chef who loves to cook over live fire. I create Texas-Inspired Spanish Paellas for small and large crowds and I love to make and drink Spanish Gin and Tonics. I’m so obsessed with Spanish G T’s that I bought the Spanish-appropriate gin goblets (balloon glasses) and numerous Spanish G T cocktail books. On my recent trip to Northwest Spain we spent ten days exploring the wine region of Ribera Del Duero Region, Spanish cuisine (including paella) and hit several Gin-Tonic Bars in the picturesque town of Valladolid to drink my favorite gin cocktail!
Once I discovered Aczu Gin which is distilled in Andalucia, Spain, I was thrilled to know that I can finally have another Spanish gin to my collection to make my favorite cocktail for me and my gin-loving friends!
Jen and Manuel Acuzaldez have brought a gift to us from Spain. If you are a long time gin aficionado or new to drinking gin, this will appeal to you. I absolutely adore this gin. How I usually drink gin is with a quality tonic water such as Fever Tree with a slice or orange and lemon. My other favorites include a multitude of variations of Spanish G T’s with herbs and spices added such as rosemary and cinnamon sticks.
Spanish GT’s are gin & tonics with specific ingredients to highlight the herbals, spices, citrus and flowers used to make the gin. See the photo below.
Aczu Spanish Gin has been created to honor the heart and soul of Spain. It has been distilled with fresh botanicals native to Andalusia and approachable to every palate of gin lovers. Clove, cardamom, orange and lemon peels, cinnamon, coriander, anjelica, hibiscus, orange blossoms, licorice and juniper are selected and distilled until the optimal balance is achieved.
What I taste
As I sip on a tasting glass of Aczu Gin, I am reminded of my time in Spain. It is smooth and refreshing and the flavors and aromas come alive in the glass with fresh flavors of botanicals and spices that represent Spain and a high end Spanish gin. WOW! It is smooth from beginning to end and I can especially taste a hint of each spice and botanical including a hint of orange, warm cinnamon and clove with a hint of floral hibiscus.
The difference
Although Juniper is a flavor profile in this gin, it takes more of a supporting cast to the orange citrus and spices that take center stage.The flavors are well balanced and will appeal to those that would prefer not to taste Juniper as the prominent flavor.
If you are a gin lover on any level, you will love this modern-style Spanish gin created in Andalusia with a nod to London Dry Gin. I bet that even if you weren’t a gin lover, you will be once you taste Aczu Gin.
Here are my Spanish Gin Tonics. This will make you thirsty! CHEERS!